Loved this post. I never understood poetry until I read Madeleine L'Engle. And then her words changed me. John O'Donohue and Mary Oliver are such good companions too! As is Jan Richardson (she got me through the pandemic).

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So interesting! Love the thought of companions. Need to check out Jan Richardson. Any pieces or books that I should start with?

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I love "The Cure for Sorrow."

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Thanks! Love a good recommendation.

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"An exhale ... a room that's just the right size." What a gorgeous way to describe a stanza of poetry. This message has inspired me to dig up some poetry this weekend. Ps. I'm on the look out for a well-crafted, do-si-do poem.

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haha---I will get to work on that stat! What's your favorite poetry?

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Bukowski. Just kidding! It's the book of Psalms. It's song lyrics to Sade and 80's pop music. It's the funny spot-on honest phrases said by my son who has autism. I don't read much standard poetry right now. But I'm ready for a reading list!

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Love this Megan!! You could try Poetry Unbound- it has such a wide variety, could give you a way in. Or if you like nature, I find Mary Oliver to be accessible too.

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Thanks, Jackie!

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In no way do I think you are "too big for your britches" but I would still like to put in a formal request for permission to read an excerpt of your journals.

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Perhaps we need to bring back the word britches---I will see what I can do about the journals.

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May 1Liked by Jackie Knapp

Mary Oliver’s “Terns” makes me feel something between caught and seen every time I read it. And, yes, you should definitely try Tango.

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ooh, I don't know if I know that one. Thank you. And it may just be tango next ;)

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